Gentamicin trough level blood test

Gentamicin is an antibiotic that targets bacteria. It is an ‘aminoglycoside’, meaning that it prevents bacteria from making proteins.

The antibiotic works by binding to the molecular machines in bacteria that make proteins. This prevents the bacteria from growing, but does not necessarily kill them. In contrast, antibiotics that bind to the cell wall, such as vancomicin, rapidly kill bacteria by causing them to swell and burst. The downside to killing is that bacterial components may flood the body and cause a massive immune response, which can be fatal. Bacteriostatics, such as gentamicin, do not cause widespread bacterial death, so they may be safer. However, bacteria that are ‘tough and studier’ may simply wait out the bacteriostatic.

Gentamicin levels in blood follow a classic peak and trough pattern. After an individual is administered gentamicin, its levels in blood rise rapidly. They peak 1-2 hours after intake, and then start to drop/fall, until they reach a trough. The trough is the lowest level of gentamicin that the individual will possess.The trough usually occurs just before the next gentamicin intake. Peak and trough levels are used to calculate rates of absorption and clearance of gentamicin.

The Gentamicin Trough Level Blood Test is a test to identify the trough levels of gentamicin. It is used to calculate and determine the necessary amounts of gentamicin to be administered, the timing of the administration, and to ensure that gentamicin levels stay within a safe yet effective range.

  • Sample of blood serum
  • We perform the test daily