
Theophylline test is used to monitor the amount of the drugs in the blood to establish appropriate doses and to maintain therapeutic levels. Theophylline is used to ease breathing and stimulate respiration.

Theophylline is usually ordered as a trough level – prior to the next dose when the concentration is expected to be at its lowest level. Tests may also be ordered if a health practitioner suspects that a person may be experiencing theophylline toxicity.

A series of blood samples may be collected and tested over a period of time to track theophylline concentrations in someone who has had high theophylline levels, until therapeutic concentrations are reached.

Low levels of theophylline and caffeine may indicate that the drug has not reached a therapeutic level for the individual tested and there is insufficient drug present to be effective.

Blood levels in the therapeutic range mean that most people will have their symptoms relieved without experiencing significant side effects. Adverse side effects and the risk of seizures increase with higher concentrations of these drugs.

  • Sample of blood serum
  • We perform the test daily